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Residents jump from second-story balcony to escape Paso Robles apartment fire
Residents Jump From Apartment Building Amid Second-Alarm Fire In Garden Grove
Four homes destroyed, two others severely damaged in Paso Robles apartment complex fire
Multiple fire crews respond to apartment fire in Paso Robles
Firefighters knock down Paso Robles apartment fire
Residents evacuate to Paso Robles senior center during fire
Paso Robles family loses home of 38 years to fire
Paso Robles fire crews train to fight wildfires in residential areas
Citing high fire risk, Paso Robles police begin making arrests in Salinas Riverbed
Barn fire at Oak Lane off of River Road in Paso Robles
Fire breaks out along Hwy 46 in Paso Robles
Trailer fire in Paso Robles Thursday, Feb. 24